BlessWorld Foundation International

Affecting the World Through Health
A Global Health Initiative

Reproductive Health



What is reproductive health?

Reproductive health is a state of complete well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system. It represents a broad range of health topics that affect our sexual and reproductive systems including sex, family planning and contraception, pregnancy, birth defects, developmental disorders, low birth weight, preterm birth, reduced fertility, impotence, menstrual disorders, maternal and child mortality, sexually transmitted infections, female genital mutilation and vasectomy. People who have a healthy reproductive life are more likely to have a satisfying and safe sex life, can to reproduce successfully and possess the freedom to do so, whenever, wherever and however they want to. To maintain one’s reproductive and sexual health, it is important to be well informed, and have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable services and contraception methods. It is also necessary to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections through education and empowerment.

United nations population fund (UNFPA) works with a wide range of partners such as governments, civil society, donors and other UN agencies to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care and rights. This emphasizes that individuals have the right to make choices about their sexual and reproductive health. Furthermore, the International Conference on Population and Development illustrates a strong link between reproductive health, human rights and sustainable development. For instance, when people are unhealthy in their sexual and reproductive lives, they are less likely to make choices about their own bodies and futures. This, in turn, results in a series of consequences that may impact families and future generations.

In many cases, sexual and reproductive health issues go hand in hand with human rights and gender inequality. This is because it is women that bear children, and to a great extent, bear the responsibility for nurturing them. Understanding this relationship fosters development and can potentially reduce complications associated with reproductive health, poverty and gender inequality. In may developing countries, reproductive health problems remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for women and girls of childbearing age. Poorer women are more likely to suffer from unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortion, maternal death and disability, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), gender-based violence, and other related problems.

The disproportionate number of HIV infections and unwanted pregnancies is a consequence of lack of access to sexual and reproductive health information and care. This then increases the risk of complications during childbirth, unsafe abortions, suicide contemplation and school drop out. Sexual and reproductive health are important lifetime concerns for both women and men, from childhood to adulthood. Consequently, programs that support comprehensive sex education including prevention and treatment need to be promoted. In addition, services across a all sectors required to ensure health care is accessible must be strengthened, from health and education systems to transport systems.

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